Most managers would like their process improvement systems to define repeatable processes that could solve any problem and also enhance productivity. Mistakes and errors are unpredictable, so while there may be some managers who see this as a challenge and work towards solving the problems, these mistakes can prove costly and can affect the profitability of the enterprise. While having the right people can solve various issues but many a time such capable employees maybe short in supply, thus what a manager needs is a system that can make use of the best employees and lead the team to success by ensuring that the right things are done at the right time and in the right way. Managers should follow the best practices in process improvement to define workflow solutions that are both reliable and adaptable in order to meet and surpass the challenges that occur in today’s dynamic business environment.
Managers need to start with requirements traceability , they should realize that defect tracking systems are not just about problem issues, the right design, training, and usage, rather defect tracking systems can actually hold the history and steps included in triaging the problem. Additionally it can also help in the resolution of different problems that impact your organization. Therefore, managers should start maximizing their defect tracking system as a knowledge base. Information like Unique incident number, Incident category, Priority, Urgency, Name of the person reporting the incident, Date/Time incident reported, Description of incident, Status of incident, Resource Assigned, Problems/Incidents linked to this incident, Tasks to investigate and resolve incident, Resolution type, Resolution date and time and Confirmation that incident has been resolved (e.g. name, date and time) can be easily involved.
A web based technology that can ably define agile methodology and be implemented in a matter of hours, can be of enormous help to different managers. Such a system can also allow for interactive design and implementation of a process that has been defined by an expert. Although every enterprise has Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) who help in defining tasks, roles and responsibilities as well as tests needed to solve the problems that confront their enterprise, but very often it is cumbersome to convince your SMEs team to write a document that can help define tasks, etc; therefore managers find it much simpler to just record the steps to analyze and resolve problems in a well designed defecting tracking system. Most managers know that capturing required tasks, roles and responsibilities and a set of tests to confirm compliance are the vital building blocks for defining repeatable processes. Efficient managers vouch for a checklist that specifies exactly who is responsible for each required step. At a minimum the initial definition of a process in a checklist should include Tasks, Roles and responsibilities, Task flow (e.g. required order of execution), Decision points, Approvals (and rejections), Milestones and tests to confirm compliance and finally, Reports and notifications to provide visibility.
By capturing the execution of the process provides managers visibility that their team needs to make the right decisions and confirms that processes, once established, are then followed on a reliable and repeatable basis. Such workflow history logs and reports provide senior management the visibility needed in order to make important decisions and support solid IT Governance.
Also read about ALM Solutions here.